A journalist main goal is to ensure the right of citizens to truthful and important information, which allows them to form adequate impression about social processes, their essence and importance, about the situation in the modern world.
Vancouver Sky Take Over is a once-upon-a-time blog written in colloquial language, based in observations, questions and comments to raise awareness and consciousness about a relatively new phenomena: Chemical Clouds now daily visible over Vancouver.
The majority of the dormant citizenry of this beautiful eco-friendly city has no clue about what's truly going on with the sky. This blog doesn't attempt to solve the mystery, but unveil some clues, specially while the media and the government ridicule alternative journalism referring to it as "conspiracy theory". There is nothing theoretical about the facts observant people present over the Internet.
This collective blindness and denial of major social issues is, in part, due to the massive mainstream media cover up and the negligence of the puppet politicians placed in our governments not by the people they represent, but by the multinational central banking cartels.
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