Serious Cloud Anomalies Over Vancouver Sky

Once upon a time, before the age of geo-engineering, we had beautiful skies, decorated with puffy clouds, some of these clouds have been known as cirrus, cumulus, stratocumulus, alto-stratus, fog and few other kinds. We all enjoy watching up towards deep blue skies and breathing it's clean air... Vancouverites have always been at the forefront of ecological thinking, sustainability and environmentalism. Suddenly one day, we start to observe serious anomalies in the cloud formations all over the atmosphere and all over our green eco-friendly city, we now have all sorts of strange shapes in the sky, and all we wonder is, WTF is going on...

Nice! a beautiful sky decorated with a nasty trail full of aluminum and barium particles... Were you concerned about too much Co2 in the air for the past while? OK, now you got to look closer into these skies. 

There you go, another shot I took last day from Downtown Van, these clouds have lost all the moister and what you see is nano-dust hanging up on the air. 

Nice view ah? "mommy, is that a jet trail?", no sweetheart it's a chemical trail, and these criminals are poisoning us thinking they can get away with it! Chemtrail planes spray Vancouver sky in a daily basis and the problem only has increased, do you think these trails are pretty? if the answer is yes, they have done a great job, they have fooled you.

Notice how the sun gets covered with a white, thick layer of dusty haze, consequentially we get deprived of Vitamin E the whole day, you won't get your vitamin from the tanning studio. Is this the sun screen the UN is secretly building to counter arrest global warming and become the savior the world? perhaps no, this is the way they can mess up with the whole planet, injure the ozone layer very rapidly and contaminate everything underneath.

Ohh wow, now look at this shit, does this look like water vapor to you? no, it's not, it is a chemical trail full of aluminum and barium, find out by yourself, or just watch up how it grows and expands until eventually melts into a thin layer of dusty white haze.

And the spraying keeps going while the planners of this massive eco-crime think we're stupid and we are just having a beautiful day with clouds that look like meteor trails.

Look at that shit, wide, thick, persistent chem trail, just over our heads, straight over Vancouver, are we supposed to breath and swallow whatever falls from there? you may not like the idea.

And what do we have in here? more and more anomalies, again, you can't see the sun directly because it's been covered with a chemical haze, bye bye rounded yellow sun, now all we get is a blurry white glare, check at the light diffusion, and how dense this layer of dust may be.

And what about this skyscape? who made this painting, maybe Picasso? he was very creative and artistic, but no, this is the result of massive aerosol spraying all over our sky. I would call this a serious first world problem, except that it's happening all over the world.

Holy cow, let's have a look at this, is someone using a hair brush to make the clouds look like my little pony hair? do you remember seeing something like this 5 years ago? probably not, because you didn't. Look at that hairy looking cloud, WTF is that?


Is this a fish skeleton shaped cloud? what's next? dinosaur or unicorn skeletons? I don't know about you, but I can't recall seeing something like this less than a decade ago, if this looks natural to you, 
think again.

And here, we have another milky sky.. beautiful? sure, a beautiful sky filled up with kilotons of aluminum and barium particles. 

Spraying Chemicals Agents on Canadian Citizens is Illegal!