Dusty Cotton Candy looking clouds

Now, WTF are these clouds formations made of? since when water vapour makes these shapes?. These are the shapes of climate engineering in full action over the skies of Vancouver.

Chemical Blanket Skies are now normal in Vancouver

Wow, look at the sky... are those clouds natural formations made by God? no, more likely we are all being fooled thinking these are natural skies, what we have here is a mega toxic milky blanket made with clouds showing up after the spraying of hundreds of thousands of nano aerosol that will end up swallowed by the plants, mixed with our water and finally deposited in our lungs and bloodstream, how cool is that.

Look at these fantastic lightning shaped clouds, wow, what kind cloud category is this, ElectricLightingcummulus? no, this is the horrific looking and monstrous shape of a synthetic cloud made of nano aluminum and barium, a master craft made by geoengineers messing up with the climate.

WTF are those clouds?

And the government keeps hiding the International climate engineering agenda and we keep watching how our skies are sprayed by planes with kilotons of garbage that we'll end up breathing. Are these clouds a conspiracy theory? there is nothing theoretical about this picture, I wish it was photoshop but it is not neither.

Oddities in the skies of Vancouver?, no these are just the obvious climate engineering effects

Vancouver chemtrails 2014

Look at this bizarre aerosol cloud, when in the hell a natural water vapor cloud will have this fishy shape? No words...