Canadians are not ok with stratospheric aerosol spray operations

This is getting out of control, really, are we still expected to believe these gigantic artificial clouds are the result of commercial jet trails? Look closely these ridiculous white dusty formations are Not clouds, period. They are aerosols injected by planes on our sky, these clouds contain nano aluminum particles and barium just to mention some of their components, do your research on stratospheric aerosol injection and so you can understand this blog...

Featuring the new documentary on weather control and chemical clouds: THE NEBULA 3 - What the weather Channel won't tell you.

The Nebula 3 is a non profit, shocking counter-propaganda documentary driven by social forces demanding a change in the way weather control programs are being executed all over the world without public consent.

Another gigantic chemical cloud over Vancouver

And here we go again, the geo engineers are not shy, they keep pushing the global nano aluminum killer spray pollution program, everybody sees it, government keeps denying it, the cloud shapes are more unnatural than ever...

Chemical clouds keep appearing daily over Vancouver

It's very difficult not to talk about the elephant on the room when it's so obvious for everybody, yes the fake clouds are visible and are meant to look real, sadly they are man made with nano particles of aluminum, barium and various other polymers which have been found in soil and water samples. Wake up Vancouver if you live in this beautiful city and in Canada you must consider this as the most serious first world problem.

Strange summer sky and chemical clouds over Vancouver

This day is supposed to be fully blue, suddenly we can see the movement and the fake cirrus clouds all over again...

Aerosol clouds over the sea-to-sky corridor (Vancouver - Squamish)

The spraying continues, everywhere in BC, the government insists in believing the people are very stupid and can't recognize a natural cloud formation from these horrendous aerosol sprays, yes, we see how the chem trail appears, we see how it spreads out, and we see how it blankets and covers a beautiful blue sky.
The government is also trying to explain this to people in a gentle way, they can't deny the subject any longer, they can't ridicule what's visible, and so they will elaborate on this new trendy junky science: "Geo engineering". Just check this link where you see what is being proposed to the federal Government "Solar Radiation Management" "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection" aren't we seeing this already happening? the biggest lie Canadian Government has told it's people: "chemtrails don't exists, those are jet trails"  right, keep looking, keep watching, keep reading, truth is not pink color as they want you to think:

Now, look at this cross shaped cloud formation, do you think real clouds look like a chessboard game? I don't think so, don't let yourself be fooled, make your research, or, come on, just look up, stop being so ignorant and naive thinking jet planes cause all this white colored pollution. This is nano dust hanging up above us and slowly falling down to the ground. We'll breath this aerosol, the plants will, the water we drink...  This weather weapon is in action and we're all the guinea piggies.

Wow, this to me looks like a giant Z, or an S, actually I've seen a lot of letters written on the sky since this whole chem trail phenomena became more and more obvious. I'm so sick and tired people can't notice this. In Vancouver City, people will complain if you leave a can of pop at the beach, but they won't give a shit if the whole sky is sprayed with aluminum dust and kilo tons of nano garbage. If an elephant gets inside your house you have to see it right? so why in the hell there are people who can't see these gigantic clouds caused by the spraying process which we can also see?